Precision. Details.

Our way of making leather goods: manufacturers of leather bags for third parties

We fulfil the requests of Italian and international fashion brands. We do it our way, that is by creating a solid link between manual skills and technological processes.

We transform the designs entrusted to us by designers into fashion realities. We listen to the needs of the brandsand based on these we propose the most suitable materials. By carrying out research and development, we quickly structure the first prototype which then makes possible a true collaboration in terms of production.

Qualified technicians put passion, tenacity and precision at the service of our customers. In a production line devoted to the highest quality, they have technology at their side.



Our innovation in 7 steps






Quality control and finishing


Producing impeccable leather goods means supporting personnel who are adequately trained with the skills to quickly identify the correct materials, a production line in which each piece is monitored.

Arquata’s contemporary artisans – trained over the years to carry out all phases of development and therefore able to evaluate the outcome of each of the processes – verify compliance with the standards.

servizi arquata srl

Each piece that makes up the finished product, even the smallest, has its own datasheet that identifies it and explains the processes it will receive. In this way each member of the team knows what that piece is for while being able to verify its realization.

Why do we do this? It’s simple. We believe that Arquata employees are qualified personnel who are fully involved in every aspect of production and therefore extremely proactive, dedicated and trustworthy.